
How to use PagoFacil to submit a payin in Argentina.

Payin by PagoFacil


This endpoint allows you to submit a payin by PagoFacil in Argentina.


Request Body

    "msg": "Success",
    "reference": "1111111111",
    "code": "10000",
    "out_trade_no": "202201010354006",
    "web_url": "",
    "trade_status": "PROCESSING",
    "trade_no": "2022010110293900083",
    "barcode": "3335008****05200211740749",
    "prepay_id": "dVZCMEw1ZWlL***NrUk82OVhlbz0=-e43F87BB"   

User payment tips

  • The value of reference is the ticket number that the user needs to use for payment

  • Use the value of barcode to generate a scanable barcode can help users to make payment faster


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTYyNTgyOTIxNDUzMTY2Mzg6UGFnc21pbGVfc2tfZDUwMWQ1ZGNkNTI5OGQ5N2MwNmUzYjI4YjA2OWZjZmY3NDU5ZjY2NzNiMjFjMTFlYTY3NDM5MDgzOTZkOTYxNQ==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "app_id": "162************38",
    "out_trade_no": "202201010354006",
    "method": "PagoFacil",
    "order_amount": "50",
    "order_currency": "ARS",
    "subject": "trade pay test",
    "content": "trade pay test conent",
    "notify_url": "http://merchant/callback/success",
    "return_url": "",
    "buyer_id": "buyer_0101_0001",
    "timestamp": "2022-01-01 03:54:01",
    "customer" : {
        "identify": {
            "type": "DNI",
            "number": "40754127"
        "name": "Test User Name",
        "email": ""

Note: 162************38 is pagsmile's test app id for sandbox, and MTYyNTgyOTIxNDUzMTY2Mzg6UGFnc21pbGVfc2tfZDUwMWQ1ZGNkNTI5OGQ5N2MwNmUzYjI4YjA2OWZjZmY3NDU5ZjY2NzNiMjFjMTFlYTY3NDM5MDgzOTZkOTYxNQ== is authorization token associated with the test app id.

Please use your own app_id and generate your own authorization token when testing.

Last updated