Pagsmile JavaScript

Updated on 2024.12.17

Pagsmile Payment Gateway Integration Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for integrating Pagsmile into your website for seamless payment processing. Pagsmile offers robust features and security measures to ensure smooth transactions for your customers.


  1. Pagsmile Account: Ensure you have signed up for a Pagsmile account. You will need your app_id and public_key provided by Pagsmile.

  2. Environment: Access to your website's HTML and JavaScript files for integration.

Step 1: HTML Form Structure

Below is the basic HTML code to create the credit card input fields.

        <label>Card holder name:</label>
        <input type="text" id="card-name" placeholder="Card holder" autocomplete="off" />
        <label>Credit card number:</label>
        <input type="text" id="card-number" placeholder="XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX" />
        <label>Expiration year:</label>
        <input id="exp-year" type="text" placeholder="2028" autocomplete="off" />
        <label>Expiration month:</label>
        <input id="exp-month" type="text" placeholder="12" autocomplete="off"/>
        <label>Security code:</label>
        <input id="card-cvv" type="text" placeholder="123" autocomplete="off" />
   <input type="button" id="submit-pay" value="Pay!" />

Step 2: Include Pagsmile Script

Add the Pagsmile JavaScript library to the <head> section of your HTML file. This script is necessary to initialize and interact with the Pagsmile API.

  <!-- Other head content -->
  <script src=""></script>

Step 3: Initialize Pagsmile

After the page loads and the Pagsmile script has loaded, initialize Pagsmile with your credentials (app_id and public_key) other mandatory parameters. This step prepares Pagsmile for handling payment transactions securely.

Step 4: Handle Payment Form Submission

Use createOrder method of returned clientinstance and initialize payment upon user submission. Check Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, UAE, Europe, or North America. Once you get status: "success" query transaction status with help of related backend endpoints.

setPublishableKey Optional Parameters

pre_auth: boolean (optional) Whether pre-authorization is enabled. When set to true, pre-authorization is enabled for payments. Defaults to false.form_id: string (conditional, required for Mexico) The ID of the form element to be used for payment processing. This parameter is required for transactions in Mexico.

form_id: string (conditional, required for Mexico) The ID of the form element to be used for payment processing. This parameter is required for transactions in Mexico.

createOrder Optional Parameters

installments: object (optional) parameter should be provided if there is installment information is returned by Installment Detail Query endpoint.

address: Object (optional) An optional address object that specifies the country associated with the payment.

  • country_code: string (optional) A 3-letter ISO country code that specifies the country associated with the payment (e.g., "SWE" for Sweden). If not provided, this field will be omitted.

   installments: { stage: 3 }, //stage support 1 ~ 12
   address: { country_code: "SWE"} 
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
      app_id: "1649*********8673",
      public_key: "Pagsmile_pk_86fc***************************************************",
      env: "sandbox", // Change to "prod" in live environment
      region_code: "EUP", //BRA for Brazil, EUP for Europe, USA for Noth America
      prepay_id: "cjExNDB5dUZhK1lkLzgzMjhSUkpFdk13YVloaEZ5T09OVG5WdEcxdmNIaz0=-06168a6c",
      fields: {
         card_name: {
             id_selector: "card-name",
          card_number: {
            id_selector: "card-number",
          expiration_month: {
            id_selector: "exp-month",
          expiration_year: {
            id_selector: "exp-year",
          cvv: {
            id_selector: "card-cvv",
    }).then((clientInstance) => {
          // successfully initiated
          document.getElementById("submit-pay").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
              .then((res) => {
                console.log("res: ", res); 
                // {
                //   status: "success",
                //   query: true,       // query transaction status through API endpoint /trade/query
                // }
              .catch((err) => {
                console.log("Error: ", err);
    .catch((err) => {
      console.log("Initializing Pagsmile Error: ", err);

Step 4: Testing and Deployment

  1. Sandbox Mode: During development and testing, use env: "sandbox". Verify that payments process correctly and error handling works as expected.

  2. Production Mode: Before deploying to production, change the env setting to "prod".

Last updated

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