❌Bank Transfer
How to use BankTransfer to submit a payin in Argentina.
Payin by BankTransfer
This endpoint allows you to submit a payin by BankTransfer in Argentina.
Name | Type | Description |
Content-Type* | string | application/json; chartset=UTF-8 |
Authorization* | string | Basic Base($app_id:$security_key) |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
app_id* | string | created app's id at dashboard - Max. 32 chars - |
customer.phone | string | User's phone |
customer.email* | string | User's email |
customer.identify.number* | string | User's identification number - 11 digits - |
method* | string | Fixed value: BankTransfer |
out_trade_no* | string | ID given by the merchant in their system - Max. 64 chars - |
notify_url* | string | Where Pagsmile will send notification to |
customer.identify.type* | string | User's identification type - CUIT/CUIL/CDI - |
customer.name* | string | User's name |
timestamp* | string | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss - Max. 19 chars - |
subject* | string | payment reason or item title - Max. 128 chars - |
order_amount* | string | payment amount - 1~1,000,000 - |
order_currency* | string | Fixed value: ARS |
content* | string | payment reason detail or item detail - Max. 255 chars - |
buyer_id* | string | merchant user's id |
address.zip_code | string | zip code - 6 digits - |
website_url | string | merchant website URL - Max. 128 chars - |
address.street | string | street |
address.street_number | string | street number |
address.city | string | city |
address.state | string | state |
return_url | string | Redirect to Merchant's url when user finished checkout |
account_type* | string | bank account type - C (Checking account) or S (Savings account) - |
account_number* | string | Max 22 digits |
bank* | string | Please use the API to get supported bank list |
User payment tips
Redirect users to the pay_url to complete the payment
the first three digits of the account number must be the same as the bank code. For example, if the bank code is 191, the account number must be 191xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Note: 162************38 is pagsmile's test app id for sandbox, and MTYyNTgyOTIxNDUzMTY2Mzg6UGFnc21pbGVfc2tfZDUwMWQ1ZGNkNTI5OGQ5N2MwNmUzYjI4YjA2OWZjZmY3NDU5ZjY2NzNiMjFjMTFlYTY3NDM5MDgzOTZkOTYxNQ== is authorization token associated with the test app id.
Please use your own app_id and generate your own authorization token when testing.
Last updated