Cancel Virtual SPEI Account
How to cancel virtual SPEI account.
Payin by SPEI
This endpoint allows you to cancel virtual SPEI account.
Name | Type | Description |
Content-Type* | string | application/json; chartset=UTF-8 |
Authorization* | string | Basic Base($app_id:$security_key) |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
app_id* | string | created app's id at dashboard - Max. 32 chars - |
account_id* | string | account id |
timestamp* | string | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss - Max. 19 chars - |
Note: 162************38 is pagsmile's test app id for sandbox, and MTYyNTgyOTIxNDUzMTY2Mzg6UGFnc21pbGVfc2tfZDUwMWQ1ZGNkNTI5OGQ5N2MwNmUzYjI4YjA2OWZjZmY3NDU5ZjY2NzNiMjFjMTFlYTY3NDM5MDgzOTZkOTYxNQ== is authorization token associated with the test app id.
Please use your own app_id and generate your own authorization token when testing.
Last updated