
How to void an authorization.

An authorization can be voided before it is captured if the payment is no longer needed.

Void Authorization

POST https://gateway-test.pagsmile.com/trade/void

This endpoint allows you to void an authorization.


Request Body

    "msg": "Success",
    "code": "10000"


curl --location --request POST 'https://gateway-test.pagsmile.com/trade/void' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTYyNTgyOTIxNDUzMTY2Mzg6UGFnc21pbGVfc2tfZDUwMWQ1ZGNkNTI5OGQ5N2MwNmUzYjI4YjA2OWZjZmY3NDU5ZjY2NzNiMjFjMTFlYTY3NDM5MDgzOTZkOTYxNQ==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "app_id": "1617****052",
    "timestamp": "2022-08-11 16:17:36",
    "version": "2.0",
    "out_trade_no": "836***93"

Note: 162************38 is pagsmile's test app id for sandbox, and MTYyNTgyOTIxNDUzMTY2Mzg6UGFnc21pbGVfc2tfZDUwMWQ1ZGNkNTI5OGQ5N2MwNmUzYjI4YjA2OWZjZmY3NDU5ZjY2NzNiMjFjMTFlYTY3NDM5MDgzOTZkOTYxNQ== is authorization token associated with the test app id.

Please use your own app_id and generate your own authorization token when testing.

Last updated